
We train your student's parents
at your school!

Schools want parents to take a more active and responsible role. Imagine a Digital Parenting evening training, and then four FREE emails to them each term with extra tips. 

OK…two simple questions:
1. What is the most important thing in a parent’s world today?
2. And who is helping them right now to teach their kids about the everyday issues we see online, or their digital potential?

Moreover, who will keep training them all year long? We will.

For schools that take our in-person parent evening, we then offer a FREE Parent Club too for those that attend the training…

= 8 (or more) relatable parent tips… x 4 terms.
= 50 safety measures shared, that parents probably didn’t know.
= One safer, smarter child…and parent.

Refreshingly different:
Why this is The #1 (World-Class) Digital Parenting Evening!

1 x Parent
1 x Tech Teacher
1 x Social Media Expert

Honest: Your instructor is a parent of 3 kids: 2 teens + 1 tween.

Experienced: Teaching in SA, Dubai, India, Canada, Australia on social media, gaming, and digital parenting. Also completing a Mini-MBA in AI too in New York!

Depth of knowledge: And the owner of 3 x digital and social media agencies over 23 years.

5 x Years
‘Listening’ in school

Longevity: MySociaLife has been the leading ‘Digital LifeSkills Program’ in the country for 5 years.

– Epicentre: We can see and hear the very heart of the problem – via anonymous feedback from parents, teens, pre-teens, teachers + psychologists.

–  Passionate: We track and monitor the digital-social-AI landscape better than anyone else.

6 x Awards
International recognitions

Relatable: Our innovation in relatable teaching – including the world’s first social media video show for schools – and guiding parents on trends and risks, has seen us acknowledged or shortlisted:

– Top 5 StartUps Winner (SA)
– Best Product: Wellbeing in Schools (Dubai)
– Rising Star (Kenya)
– Global EdTech StartUp Awards Africa (Africa) 

4 Years
40 x Red Cross
Child Psychologists Trained

– Tested: We bravely decided to teach psychologists first when we launched! Yikes.

– Partnered: Since then we have repeatedly taught the country’s top child and adolescent psychiatrists on this complex social and gaming landscape.

– Trusted: We have been asked on anonymous medical cases for our advice.

by students, parents AND psychologists
And Google (4.8*) and School Advisor (5*) too!


3 x Product Options:
*All 14-day money-back guaranteed*

The Digital Parent Club

Digital Parenting Club

A Free ‘Parent Club’ guide for schools that partner with us – via a private link sent your email – to support and guide you ongoing. Recommended.
Who is this product for?
– Parents of kids aged 7 to 12 
– Committed to support kids ongoing  

What you get?
A monthly ‘bulletin’ of all the most important new risks, apps, settings, trends, etc plus free webinars, audio/podcast etc.

How often?

(Annual) = 4 bulletins

Price: Free to schools who use us for training

Digital Parenting Sprint

A 75-minute video course. Just login and learn (ideally with your partner if available) at your own pace.

Who is this product for?
– Parents of kids aged 7 to 12 
– Only want a single lesson
What you get?

Short course product of Digital Parenting Sprint (One month only) = 4 weekly bulletins to establish a base / foundation

How often?

This ‘Sprint’ is a once-off short course of 75-minutes to cover the basics

Price: R295 paid once off
Pay online, via credit card


Digital Parenting VVIP 

A custom program, designed upon request for families of CEOs, celebrities, royalty, or politicians.

Who is this product for? 
– Parents of kids aged 7 to 12
– Requires special advice and set up due to high profile / work circumstances 
What you get?

Through a series of consultation, we assess personal residence setup, device set up, platforms, security and other specifics pertaining to the family

Price: Price on application

Watch the demo

Why it works: Smarter Parents = Safer Kids

After five years we have seen almost everything you can about tweens and teens online. Sextortion, self-harm, suicide, body dysmorphia, fraud. And so much of it is hard to find out about  – unless you know what to look for. Or you’re tentatively invited into a digital ‘safe space.’ 

At the intersection of teaching teens, preteens, parents, teachers and psychologists we have, week-after-week, sat right in the very epicentre of these five audiences, many of whom feel somewhat lost at sea, scared, unsupported or unappreciated. We’re here to share what we see, and how, together, we can fix that. Five years of listening, five years of feedback, has given us insight we are now very eager to share with you, the parents.

The world is paying attention. Will you?

🏆 WINNER ‘Top 5 StartUps South Africa’, Heavy Chef 2023
🏆 Shortlisted, ‘Best Global Product to Promote Wellbeing in Schools’, GESS Dubai 2023
🏆 Runner-Up, Global EdTech StartUp Awards Africa, 2023
🏆 Shortlisted, ‘StartUp Company of the Year’, GESS Dubai 2021
🏆 ‘Top 20 Modern Leaders’, Tribe Magazine 2021
🏆 WINNER, ‘Rising Star’, CIO Africa Awards 2021

We have trained student, parents or teachers at the following schools:
Resource Library

Value: We will be your eyes and ears.

Yes, of course you can save R49 and look things up on YouTube! But will you? 90% of parents don’t, because they don’t have the time. Besudes, that, would you know what to look for? For Club members, we are your research partner, with our ear to the ground in schools.

Either follow the trends … or get left behind.

Value: We show you how: Step-by-step guides

Club members are shown the best routes to set boundaries, to set up phones, or specific apps, and guide you on the latest risks. Short, honest, relatable and practical videos to watch at home, or in the school car park while waiting.

App Guide
Media Alerts

Value: Media and app alerts

We offer our members detailed reviews and insights of popular apps, games, and online content, guiding parents in making informed decisions for their children’s digital consumption. And which doors and windows (settings) to lock up on the top games and apps.

Value: Exclusive, expert Q&A sessions

We will hold a webinar training or Q&A online every term (= four times a year), a community space for member parents to discuss and share digital parenting issues and get questions asked.

Digital therapy, for under R50? Surely not!

MySociaLife Conversation Starters
Podcasts & Webinars

Value: Podcasts and webinars

We interview thought leaders in mental health, attention focus, cyberbullying, privacy, cybersecurity. We will connect Club members to our exclusive deeper dives into complex topics. 
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