Teacher Program: The 60-minute fast-track
Seriously, good on you for being here. There are many teachers that feel social media, gaming or a child’s online world isn’t their responsibility as a teacher. “It’s the parents job,” or “it’s not a part of my job description,” we understandably hear teachers say. And yes, they’re right perhaps, but the fact remains students turn up on campus every day experiencing the complexities of adolescence which is felt both offline in the real word and experienced online via the internet.
It can impact results and relationships, it can disrupt classrooms, and even harm the school brand. We are left with the reality of life online is ‘front and centre’ in most kids’ lives, and parents and teachers have to help them navigate the terrain, before it’s too late, and they see mental health issues, bullying, sexting, and damaging links, hashtags, or photos deeply inked into the internet.
We have tried to make it as simple as possible to hop from stage to stage and watch the videos, download some tools, and re-start the conversation with your students with fresh eyes. Simply follow the five colour-coded steps below.
- Requirements:
- Lesson Plan & Teacher Pack
- Projector / TV
- Internet connection
Watch the Introduction
Download Module Outline
Download Teacher Pack
Watch Video Modules
Complete the Quiz (optional)

Step 1
Quick overview: What to expect?
Welcome to MySociaLife’s Teacher Program. This is 60-minutes of video training and exposure, broken into four lessons. Watch it in one go, or in a few sittings. Kick off with this short intro video which reveals the reality of where we find ourselves (right) and then follow the colour-coded steps below which will provide you with an outline, some tools, and even a quiz to test your knowledge.
For best results:
We are fully aware that every school is so very different, so it’s really up to you to consider what environment you find yourself in (geographic location, access, socio-economic considerations) and the risk appetite of your students by age, which increases as they get older!
Step 2: Outline
Next, download your outline to guide you through the sections of the 60-minute training session. This pdf document contains an outline of the key messages.
Step 3: Tips / Extras
Some teachers want additional resources like pointers, exercises or extra videos which they can use when unpacking online issues with their classes. This pdf document contains:
- Exercises
- Videos on key topics
- Books and movies to watch
Step 4: Your videos
Equipped with your lesson plan, now you can watch the videos within the lesson
Step 5: Take the test!
As a teacher, time is a highly prized commodity, so we totally get you may not want to do the quiz. No problem. But, as we teach kids, being asked questions, and even getting the answer wrong paves the way to forge strong memories and seed the learnings into the mind. So, if you wish, add the cherry on top and ensure you absorbed the module’s information. Take the short quiz once you’ve completed watching all the videos.